The recession in Britain is causing ever greater cuts to local authority public service, especially District Council level. Many of the perceived “free services” such as the provision of public conveniences are seen by local councils as easy targets when looking at ways to cut budgets. The high maintenance costs of public conveniences is put under even greater strain by the standards of maintenance and repairs that public conveniences are required to attain.
One way to get over this problem of still providing public toilets in stringent times is to fill this revenue gap by installing toilet turnstiles. Turnstiles not only make public conveniences pay for themselves but also they make public conveniences safer, more secure and financially viable.
Coin-operated toilet turnstiles offer a realistic alternative to local councils being forced to close public toilets. By being able to earn a proportion or even all of the maintenance cost by charging the convenience users, turnstiles offer the best solution to a problem that would otherwise be solved by the closing of public toilets altogether. Nobody doubts that public conveniences provide a much needed and required service to the community and by utilising Toilet Turnstile’s toilet turnstiles the life expectancy of these facilities can be extended throughout the recession and into the future.
The benefits of our toilet turnstiles are:
- The ability to control access and flow of people into the toilets
- Preventing unwanted visitors
- Generating revenue for the continued service of the toilets
- Smart, secure and safe to use
- Easy to maintain
- Hard wearing, well constructed and tamper proof
To find out about how our turnstiles can help your local authority generate revenue, contact us now for a demonstration or informal discussion and let our toilet turnstiles make your conveniences more effective and viable.