Category: News

Better public toilets and how to finance them

The British Toilet Association (BTA) campaigns for better public toilets for all. The BTA says: "Our mission is to represent the interest and aspirations of ‘away from home’ toilet providers, suppliers and users of all types and to act as the catalyst for change in the pursuit of standards of excellence in all areas of public toilet provision and management.

The BTA ‘mission statement’ says that: 

The History of Turnstiles

A turnstile allows one person to pass at a time. It can also be manufactured to enforce a one-way traffic system for people.The turnstile was originally used to allow people to pass while keeping sheep or other livestock penned in.

MP’s Call for more Changing Place Toilets

During yesterday’s Communities and Local Government Questions, local MP and Chair of the CLG Select Committee, Phyllis Starkey, urged Ministers to ensure that a Changing Places toilet is required for every new public building.

Local Councils To Be Forced To Provide Public Toilet Facilities?

Yesterday in the house of commons, ministers sought to fend off moves requiring local authorities to set out strategies for providing public toilets. A crossbench group of MPs, led by the chair of the communities and local government select committee, Dr Phyllis Starkey, wants to force councils to come up with plans for providing toilet facilities after consulting with residents

Finding Toilets on the Tube

Finding a toilet whilst on the tube can be a nightmare, especially if you are not accustomed to navigating London’s underground system. Using this download you are able to see where toilets are located on the tube map; including male, female and disabled toilets; and whether they are located inside or outside of the ticket gate.