Argyll and Bute Council to reconsider public toilet closures in Rothesay
The Argyll and Bute Council are set to reconsider their plans to close public toilets in order to slash spending across the area, a news report has revealed.
The Argyll and Bute Council are set to reconsider their plans to close public toilets in order to slash spending across the area, a news report has revealed.
Despite being forced to cough up more than 500,000 pounds over the past two years in maintaining and cleaning costs, the Sunderland council has re-affirmed the fact that it doesn’t have any “immediate” plans to close the public conveniences in the area.
According to a news report in the local media, the Council runs around 20 public toilets across Wearside, two of which are currently closed for repairs.
New research into public toilets has revealed that, over the past 10 years, up to 40 percent of the UK’s public conveniences have shut down, which makes the daily working life extremely difficult especially for commuters, but also disabled persons.
As a news report on the topic informs us, trade union Unison is calling for all mobile workers to have access to toilets, saying government cuts are leading to the reduction in free and accessible public conveniences.
In a bid to keep open as many of their public toilets as possible, the Pembrokeshire County Council is seriously considering charging an access fee for the use of the aforementioned public conveniences.
In a bid to actually reduce its own costs by closing the public toilets it still manages, Cornwall Council is encouraging businesses to open their toilets to the public and have special brown signs put up, for clearer guidance of people in need to use said conveniences.
Public toilets in Milngavie, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland, will be closed in order to undergo some much needed refurbishments, a news report in the local media has recently revealed.
A 67-year-old woman from Larkhall has staged a 3-day protest against the closure of a public toilet in Bath, in an attempt to draw as much attention as possible on this highly sensitive topic.
According to a media report, the woman, Lin Patterson, moved into the toilet in Twerton on Wednesday night, the day before it was due to be closed by the council to save money. She only agreed to leave on Saturday night, but not before getting more than 2,000 people to sign a petition to keep the public conveniences open.
In a bid to achieve savings of up to £980,000 a year in running costs, Powys Council plans to either hand over or close up to 40 public toilets in the area by October this year.
According to a media report, the decision is part of council plans to save £35m over the next three years. However, the local authority would prefer a solution that would see the public toilets remain open, rather than closing them altogether.
Holidaymakers taking advantage of the good weather and choosing Cornwall as a destination might be so displeased with the lack of public toilets that they could avoid ever coming back to the area, tourism authorities have warned.
And that’s because around 10% of the county’s public toilets (more than 30 units in total) are currently closed, despite the start of the peak tourist season, as a news report points out.
Public toilets at Bexton Road and King Street in Knutsford, Cheshire, are set to undergo a full refurbishment carried out by public toilet provider Danfo, operating on behalf of the Town Council.