Category: News

Government should help fund public toilets says the British Toilet Association

The government should get actively involved in the provision of public toilets, making it a statutory process and giving councils funding, the British Toilet Association (BTA) has argued.

According to a news source, the advisory body, which has been holding its annual meeting in Stratford-upon-Avon, revealed that the number of public conveniences of this type has fallen by 40% in the past decade.

Two public toilets in Skegness to undergo significant revamp

Two public toilet facilities in Skegness are set for a revamp as part of a £500,000 improvement programme, with the East Lindsey District Council providing the necessary funds for the refurbishment process, a news report in the local media has revealed.

The town’s other public toilets will be open as usual during this time, with signs in place advising the public of alternative facilities.

Residents make public appeal for the re-opening of public toilets in Marazion

Residents in the town of Marazion, in Cornwall, have made a very public call for the reopening of the town’s public toilets, which were closed back in April, a recent media report on the matter has revealed.

Starting in November, the town’s only remaining public toilets will only open on weekends, which means that Marazion will be left without usable public toilets throughout the week.

Public toilets in Dursley are set for £70,000 refurbishments

Stroud District Council has decided to carry out an ample refurbishment of the public toilets in Dursley, located in May Lane Car Park, after becoming seriously dilapidated over the past few years.

According to a news report in the local media, local authorities have also been in contact with disability charity, Allsorts Gloucestershire, who have suggested the inclusion of several facilities to improve disabled access, such as lift hoists and motorised units.

St Ives Town Council contractor fails to open public toilets in time

The 12 public facilities in the Cornish town of St Ives were not opened in a timely fashion the past weekened, leading to quite a large number of the town’s visitors rushing in to use the toilets available in public houses, cafes or shops, a media news report has revealed.

A private contractor is in charge of opening and closing the public toilets, but, for some reason, they remained closed throughout the weekend.