Public toilets in Eastbourne to reopen following refurbishment
Lack of public toilets could hit Gloucester hard during Rugby World Cup
The city of Gloucester, whose Kingsholm Stadium will host a few of the Rugby World Cup matches, could be seriously affected by the lack of public conveniences in the area, a recent news report in the local media has been able to reveal.
There are fears that fans attending one of the four games being held in the city this September could urinate in streets and alleyways off Kingsholm Road due to the current lack of facilities available.
New public toilets in Scunthorpe set to open, charge 20p for access
Prudhoe public toilets face the axe
Public toilets in Prudhoe could be shut down as Northumberland County Council has started a thorough review into the provision of public toilets in the county as part of cost-cutting measures, a recent news report in the local media has been able to reveal.
Prudhoe councillors are concerned that a review of the town’s toilets could lead to its two public conveniences – at the Royal British Legion and Roads End – being closed for good.
Public toilets reopen in Chapeltown
Although most local authorities try to ditch their public toilets as part of their cost-cutting initiatives, Ecclesfield Parish Council decided to go against the trend by reopening a public toilet in Chapeltown after a two-year closure.
Ecclesfield Parish Council has agreed to take on the running costs of the facility on Cowley Lane , which was closed by Sheffield Council due to funding cuts. A petition signed by 800 people had called for them to be reopened.
Town council calls for new, permanent public toilets to be built
A local town council plans to ask their District Council to build a permanent replacement block to serve the town and its market traders, a recent news report in the local media has been able to reveal.
Former public toilets in Kelso car park to stay closed, local council decides
The local council in the town of Kelso, in the Scottish Borders, has decided not to reopen former public toilets in Kelso’s Knowes car park, community councillors have been warned.
Local Scottish Borders councillor Tom Weatherston said the former toilets in The Knowes had been subject to repeated vandalism, adding: “And it was agreed by this community council it was in the best interests of Kelso to close them.”
Poole public toilet subjected to repeat vandal attack
A public toilet in Poole was subjected to an appalling repeat vandal attack after suffering a similar incident back in November, a recent news report in the local media has been able to reveal.
The latest attack put two toilets out of action with expanding foam.
Melton Council launches consultation into future of local public toilets
A local council has decided to launch a public consultation into the future of public toilets in the area, a recent news report in the local media has been able to find.
Melton Council is asking people what they think about the town centre toilets which it says currently cost the town £88,000 per year to run.
Residents call for public toilets in Ely to stay open for longer in the evening
Residents in Ely, Cambridgeshire, have started a campaign to complain about the fact that public toilets in the town are closing too early, a recent news report in the local media has been able to reveal.
The majority of the city’s public conveniences are owned and managed by East Cambridgeshire District Council, and currently close at around 5pm.