Category: News

Public toilets in Holmfirth and Holme saved from closure

Public toilets in Holmfirth and Holme, Kirklees, West Yorkshire, have been saved after the local council decided to transfer their operation and administration to local communities, a local news source reveals.

The Kirklees Cabinet agreed to asset transfer the toilets on Towngate in Holmfirth to Holme Valley Parish Council while the Holme Village Residents Association will formally take over the public loos in Holme village.

Public toilets in Trafalgar Square to introduce 20p charge

The Greater London Authority (GLA) has revealed plans to charge visitors 20 pence to use the public toilets in Trafalgar Square to contribute to running costs, a recent news report has been able to reveal.

The mayoral decision document said the toilets on Trafalgar Square, which are open seven days a week, cost £149,000 a year to manage, plus additional costs for repairs which amounted to about £2,000 in the last year.

North East Lincolnshire cost the council more than £230,000 a year to run, report reveals

Running the public toilets across North East Lincolnshire will cost the local council more than £230,000 a year, a recent news report on this topic has been able to reveal.

The British Toilet Association has estimated that 40 per cent of local authority-run public conveniences have disappeared in the past decade, taking the number down to 6,000, in part because councils have to pay business rates on them.

Ministers urged to exempt councils from paying business rates on public toilets

Government ministers are being urged to consider exempting councils from paying business rates on public toilets in a bid to keep more of them open and available for the general public to use, a recent media news report has been able to reveal.

The British Toilet Association has estimated that 40% of public conveniences have disappeared in the last decade. And this is partly because, although councils are not required by law to provide toilets, they have discretionary powers to do so and to charge for their upkeep.

Bridgend public toilets set for closure

Public toilets across Bridgend County Borough will close in the near future as the local authority is hard pressed to find the funds required to run them, a recent news report in the local media has been able to find.

The Council’s cabinet approved the closure plans following a public consultation exercise.