Around half of public toilets across Ely are set to close, leaving open just three locations, a recent news report in the local media has been able to find.
The East Cambridgeshire District Council is planning on shutting the public loos in Barton Road, Newnham Street and Sacrist Gate in a bid to save money. The conveniences in Fordham are also earmarked for closure and Littleport Parish Council, Burwell Parish Council and Soham Town Council are likely to be asked to pay an annual sum if they do not want their toilets to close.
Last year, the council considered charging people 20p to use the local toilets, however the charges were dropped in November after the majority of residents consulted said they would not be willing to pay to use the facilities. The authority says the loos cost over £200,000 a year to run and maintain.
Emma Grima, the council’s director of commercial and corporate services, said: "The council will consult with the local access group and carry out an equalities impact assessment over the coming weeks, and the outcome of this will be reported to committee."
Despite being rejected by local residents, charging a fee for access is the most sensible solution when it comes to public toilets’ funding, and this is exactly where Toilet Turnstiles could really puts its experience to good work.
Our toilet turnstiles are built from graded stainless steel, for easier cleaning and maintenance, and also come equipped with lockable lids to prevent unwanted access. Furthermore, the separate coin box offers very versatile mounting options, as it can be installed either in front of the turnstile, at the side or alternatively, on the wall, with the cash box at the rear.
The turnstile’s coin mechanism can be programmed for virtually any combination of coins with a secure cash box to hold them, while the additional counters for the number of entries made will enable a thorough level of control over the system’s operation. If you need some additional information regarding our extensive range of products, just get in touch, we’ll be sure to answer any and all of your queries.