Stylish Turnstiles For Your Toilet Facilities
Our Toilet Turnstiles are Developed from the need for Local Authorities & Private Companies to provide Public Conveniences to a good standard and generate revenue for the general day to day maintenance, cleaning and upkeep etc, with the added benefit of preventing people from wandering into the toilets as they now have to pay for the privilege, or “spend a penny”.
The Coin Operated Turnstiles are manufactured from graded stainless steel for ease of cleaning and maintenance and are duty cycle rated for intensive use. The Turnstile bodies have lockable lids to prevent unwanted access and are securely mounted to the floor plate. The separate coin box can be mounted either in front of the turnstile, at the side or alternatively can be wall mounted with the cash box at the rear, giving a vast range of configuarble options.
The coin mechanism can be programmed for virtually any combination of coins with a secure cash box to hold the coins, high security options are available with additional counters to count the number of entries made, this along with the coin count can provide a useful audit trail.
Generous revenues can be generated from the Turnstiles to maintain the Toilets. Our turnstiles offer improved security and are available in a number of styles to suit your needs.
Perfect for high volumes of traffic, our turnstiles provide maximum flow capacity, whilst causing minimal disruption.
All of our turnstiles are supplied complete with a 2 year warranty.